



【聖書:テサロニケの信徒への手紙一 5章 16-18節】





I’d like to share a story with you called “The Mexican Fisherman.”

An American businessman was on vacation in Mexico in a small coastal town.



He was at the beach when a small boat docked.



Inside the small boat was a fisherman who caught several large fish.



The American complimented the fisherman on the fish and asked how long it took to catch them.アメリカ人はその漁師に魚を褒め、釣るのにどのくらい時間がかかったのかと尋ねた。

The fisherman replied, “only a little while.”

The American then asked, “Why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?”

The Mexican said, “I have caught enough for my family and can even give some fish to my friends in the town.”

The American then asked, “but what do you do with the rest of your time?”

The Mexican fisherman said,



“I sleep late, play with my children, spend time with my wife, and stroll into the village in the evening where I drink wine, and play guitar with my friends.



I have a full and busy life.”


The American scoffed.



“I am an experienced businessman and can help you,” he said.



“You should spend more time fishing, and with the money, buy a bigger boat. With the profits from the bigger boat, you could have several fishing boats, then open up your own cannery and control all of the distribution,” he said.

もっと釣りに時間を費やし、そのお金でもっと大きな船を買いなさい。 大きな船から得た利益で、何隻かの漁船を所有し、缶詰工場を開き、すべての流通をコントロールすることができる。


“Of course, you would need to leave this small town and move to a bigger city to run the company.”


The Mexican fisherman asked, “But, how long will that all take?”

To which the American replied, “Oh, 15 to 20 years or so.”
 それに対してアメリカ人は、「ああ、15年から20年くらいだね 」と答えた。

“But what then?” asked the Mexican.

The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right, you could sell your company and become very rich. You would make millions!”
 アメリカ人は笑って言った。「1番いい時に会社を売って大金持ちになれる。 何百万ドルも稼げるんだ!」

“Millions – then what?” asked the Mexican.

The American said, “Then you could retire. Move to a small coastal town where you could sleep late, play with your kids, spend time with your wife, and stroll to the village where you could drink wine and play guitar with your friends.”
 アメリカ人は言った。 その後退職し、海岸沿いの小さな町に引っ越して、そこで遅くまで寝て、子供たちと遊んで、奥さんと過ごして、村まで散歩して、そこでワインを飲んで、友達とギターを弾くんだよ」。

The story of the Mexican fisherman.

There are many lessons in this story but here are a few I took away.

#1. Find what makes YOU happy.

 #1. 自分が幸せだと感じることを見つけよう。


For the fisherman, fishing, spending time with family, and playing guitar with his friends is what made him happy.



He knew that, so that’s what he focused on.



Money and a career were not as important to him, so he chose not to focus on that.



However, everyone is different.



For the businessman, turning a small business into a big business is what might make him happy.



There is nothing wrong with that either. Find what makes YOU happy.
それも悪いことではない。 自分にとって幸せなことを見つけよう。

#2. Everything has value. Not just money and things.
#2. すべてのものには価値がある。 お金や物だけではない。


It’s easy to see value in things you can see.



A high-paying job, a big house, a Mercedes-Benz, a Rolex watch, a Louis Vuitton bag.



We know how much these things are worth because they have prices.



However, things without prices also have value, but it’s up to you to determine that value.



What is the value of having a job you enjoy?


What’s the value of not having overtime, so you can spend time with your family?



What’s the value of not having to work weekends, so you can enjoy hobbies?



What’s the value of having vacation time, so you can travel?



Though these things don’t have exact prices, they all have value.



And for many people, these things will bring them more joy than things with price tags. Don’t forget that!
そして多くの人にとって、これらのものは値札のついたものよりも喜びを与えてくれる。 それを忘れないでほしい!

#3. Don’t attach happiness to outcomes. Be happy first.
#3. 幸福を結果に結びつけず、まずは幸せになってください。


According to the businessman, the fisherman needed to build a big business and get rich.



Then, he could live his life fishing and “be happy” after he had been “successful”.



Too often, we attach our happiness to outcomes.



If I get these clothes, then I’ll be happy.



If I get this game, then I’ll be happy.



If I have this much money, then I’ll be happy.



If I get in to this college, then I’ll be happy.



If you think like this, you will NEVER be happy.


Because once you achieve that goal or get that thing, you’ll be happy for a moment.



But instantly, the next thing or goal will be waiting, and the process will repeat.



It’s hard to believe, but happiness is a choice.



You can choose to be happy.



Goals are important, but don’t attach happiness to them.



I want these clothes, but I’m happy without them.



I want this game, but I’m happy without it.



I want to go to this college, but I’ll be happy even if I can’t.

In closing, there is a popular saying,



“When people are young, they sacrifice their health to get wealth. Then they get old, and sacrifice their wealth just to get back their health.”

You are young, healthy, and have your entire lives ahead of you.



Find what makes you happy and what you value.



Some people’s purpose in life is to become a rich, but for some you, you just might want to sleep late, go fishing, spend time with your family, and stroll into town and play guitar with your friends.



If that makes you happy, then that will give you more happiness than all the money in the world.
